Thursday, July 5, 2007


So here's the thing...I have discovered the joy of keeping some form of knitting or crochet with me at all times. Last night after a ho-hum fireworks show I was waiting in the long line of cars. In these cars were frustrated and tired people just wanting to get home. Me...I had my crochet with me...put the car in park and got 1/2 a row of my gynormous-king size ripple bed cover done. Today on my way home from work (with a brief stop at Kona Coffee) I was again in a line guessed it...tired and frustrated people in cars, this time waiting on a train. I sat quietly in my car with the beginning of another piece of my secret afghan project. I got like 3-4 rows done. It is kinda like a driving bonus. No arm flailing or horn honking for me, thank you!

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