Monday, June 8, 2009

What's to come?

Well this week will be full of busy. This past week brought some unexpected time off. So this coming week will bring at least one shop update, lots of dyeing and lots of spinning. I have some new base yarn to try out. Some merino/silk roving that I dyed up a few weeks ago to list in the shop. Some more merino/seacell roving to dye. And I want to spin up some roving from expired listings that I'll then re-list in the shop. I started this expired listing spinning tonight. I'm spinning some merino/tencel that is super soft and very easy to draft. I forgot how much I really like merino/tencel. I might also pull a couple of current listing to spin up for future re-listing. I'm not going to lie, I'm really considering pulling a merino/seacell listing, it's so soft and fluffy and really really hard to resist. If I don't pull a current listing, I might just just dye up some for myself.

On a personal note: I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for there support and well wishes over the past week. Paul is doing much better and getting better every day. He'll go back to the doctor tomorrow and really hopes to get release to drive and released to do more activities. I must admit, I've had several surgeries in my life, but didn't realize how serious an appendectomy could be. I guess it just never dawned on me the amount of infection your body has to fight. I know better now.

1 comment:


glad your paul is getting better. and now for questions: what is /seacell ? and what is/are "expired listings"