Saturday, March 21, 2009

much spinning inspiration

I'm pretty sure my head is going to explode with all the art yarn ideas I just rec'd from the DVD Sit and Spin. It's 3:31am. Yes, 3 in the morning and I just finished watching. Um...I Luv this DVD...seriously. First because of the great technical info. Second because of the metric butt tone of inspiration. Check out this trailer. If you want to learn to spin art it, buy it now.

You can't imagine how much I want a drum carder just for spinning art yarns now. I did buy hand cards and a load of different fibers for carding. I'll post when I get them in. And you will be seeing plenty of pics in upcoming post.

Oh...wanted to update you on the progress of the Magical Sweater. Spinning has been put on hold until I receive the carders. I've decided to card the 3 colors together and then spin. I want a more heathered look than I'm getting from the current technique. Course now I have an entire bobbin of the brown/turquoise single and a partial of the natural. Luckily I have plenty of this fiber. And, I can maybe use the single in art yarn. Just say'n.

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