Saturday, May 8, 2010

I've been busy...

No, I haven't been knitting or dying or even crafting.  I did however create something.

(crappy iphone pic)
I'm proud to introduce James David or "Nugget".  He is now 3 weeks and 4 days old and keeping his mom and dad very busy.  He is amazing.  I have not words to describe the most wonderful thing that has every happened to me.  I'm blogging about him and our adventures at Oh my god...3 hrs of sleep.  I'll also be sharing advice and helpful hints there. 

Well, Nugget is about to wake up and I'm off to fix a bottle.


Robin said...

3 hours is a lot of sleep with a new baby. if you go to sleep early and have DH do a feed before he goes to bed you might get 5 or 6 hours. Good luck with Nugget- he's a cutie!!

Asti said...

Congratualations, he's gorgeous!

Asti said...

oops, can't spell!